Bike to the future

As a year like no other draws to a close, what’s ahead for cycling in Wellington?

Cycle Wellington needs to be responsive to our supporters, so recently we surveyed you. Thanks to the 404 people who had their say.

You told us you like what we do, but we need to up our game and work harder. We agree. So we’ll be
– improving the visibility and branding of Cycle Wellington
– upgrading how we communicate with you
– amplifying the voices of disadvantaged people
– launching a membership programme to improve our effectiveness
– hitting the streets with more actions
– reaching out to businesses
– broadening our agenda
– riding our bikes.

This work has been made possible by a generous donation from a Cycle Wellington supporter, who funded the Alastair Smith Memorial Award.

Alastair Smith, who passed away in November 2019, was a passionate and effective powerhouse in our efforts to make Wellington better for people riding bikes.

In 2020, the Award recipient is Tom Hovey. Tom is a cycling advocate with extensive digital engagement experience. He owns his own digital consultancy and understands the cycling environment.

“We’ve seen some improvements, but there’s much more to do to make Wellington a better city for people who want to ride,” said Tom.

“I’m delighted and honoured to have this opportunity to apply my skills, and look forward to making more progress in 2021.”

Season’s greetings to you all.