ReBicycle Wellington

What is it?

ReBicycle is a local charity which ‘upcycles’ donated second-hand bikes into safe, practical commuter bikes to gift or loan to people who need them in the Wellington region. All bikes are donated or cheaply sourced, parts are donated or bought, and mechanics volunteer their time where possible.

CAW, together with Modalis, is working with Pedal Ready (GWRC) to provide all the expertise needed to get people up and riding, safely. We’ve received support and grants from Wellington City Council and Nikau Foundation as well as private donors. We’re also teaming up with Mechanical Tempest, NZ Red Cross, Sustainability Trust and other organisations to make the most of available resources and get them to the right people.


There are many people in our community who need access to free/cheap/accessible transportation. Free bikes and helmets, combined with cycle skills training, offers a long term transport solution with little ongoing costs.

From Recycling Bicycles for Refugees:

Bikes are a great way of preventing isolation and keeping the community in touch with each other. When you arrive here with everything you own in a small suitcase a bicycle is very valuable in many ways.

With Wellington City Council and NZTA investing significantly in new cycleways to improve transport connections, it seems appropriate that we make cycling as accessible as possible. Enabling those with little disposable income to have access to bikes and helmets will help them gain the advantages these provide (including lower transport/parking costs, better health outcomes -mental as well as physical- and better connections with their community).

More info:ReBicycle logo_square

    For more information or to donate a good quality bike, time or money, contact:
    Hilleke at
    And like or message us on Facebook