Street Events

There’s a few events coming up that are worth checking out. Hopefully the weather clears up before tomorrow for the Open Street Sunday.

All over the world people are opening up their streets for people to enjoy free of cars.
Join the first ever Open Streets event in Wellington CBD on Dixon Street and Lower Cuba between 1-4pm on Sunday 22 September.
Recapture the joy of playing in the street.
Bring your deck chairs, hopscotch and hacky sack, roller blades and bikes- plus your friends and family and transform the street scape.

From 1pm to 4pm on Lower Cuba and Dixon Streets.


If you need a fun way to get there, check out South Coast Kids Track family fun ride:

12pm midday – Sunday 22nd September
Ride from Parliament steps to Lower Cuba St via the waterfront.
We will arrive at Lower Cuba Street to enjoy ‘Open Streets Sunday’ where Dixon and Lower Cuba St’s will be closed off:


If you have plans for tomorrow, don’t worry, there’s more happening next week. Wednesday is the re-scheduled Park(ing) Day and you’ll find an Urban Bike Park on Lower Cuba Street organised by Frocks on Bikes.

On PARK(ing) Day each year, people round the world temporarily transform single street-side car parks into better things – like real, little parks, games spaces, public lounges, music areas,  lunch spots…What’s going on?
PARK(ing) Day is about the fact that cities are built for people, yet large swaths of urban space are dedicated to storing private vehicles.  Large areas of city streets – including Wellington – are taken up by private cars that people park then walk away from.
How much cooler would our cities be if we could all use some of that space for free, public, attractive and fun things?

This year it’s Friday 20th Wednesday 25th September, and Wellington is in on it again! Wellington Sculpture Trust are the umbrella organiser coordinating with the City Council, and there are parks all over the city they’ve set aside from 8am til 8pm (during metered parking hours) for PARK(ing) Day.

Frocks and like-minded groups are creating two PARKs on Lower Cuba Street that demonstrate the efficiency of bike parking vs car parking, and celebrate how urban cycling is for everyone!  Pop in and visit!

Here’s a link to the map and more (we’re number 12!)

If the weather turns nasty, check for updates on our facebook page.

Let’s hope the weather clears up for some great street events!

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