Council offers discounted folding bikes

Wellington Regional Council is offering discounted Dahon folding bikes for just $560, a 30% saving.
As the new Matangi trains are introduced there is less space for bikes, esp on peak hour services. But with a folding bike you can travel on any train, Go Wellington and Valley Flyer bus with no worries. New policy is here.
Info on discounted bikes is here.
Contact Simon Kennett at the Regional Council for your discount voucher, or to try a demo bike.

16 thoughts on “Council offers discounted folding bikes

  1. Pingback: Hey Commuters! Here’s a Dahon Eco C7- Cheap! : Cycling in Wellington

  2. I actually I´m sitting here in Germany, supposed to turn back to New zealand mid September. I tried to gain information, where to buy DAHON ECO C7, without any succes. And I don’t want to take my DAHONE from Europe to New Zealand.
    So p l e a s e help me to find a bike dealer possibly in Wellington area, where I live, where I can find a Dahone Eco C7 .
    Thank you in advance-


    1. Simon Kennett

      I’m afraid Dahon EcoC7s are no longer being sold in NZ. Dahon production world-wide on hold. I suggest you bring your Dahon with you, or think about buying a Giant Expressway here (with a discount voucher available for Wellington region residents.


  3. Simon Kennett

    We have a discount voucher for folding bikes again (until the end of March 2014). It’s for 25% off the Tern C7 or D8. If you’d like a voucher, please send an addressed envelope to ‘Folding Bike Voucher, GWRC, PO Box 11646, Wellington 6142’


  4. Simon Kennett

    Sorry, but the discount vouchers are funded by Greater Wellington and only apply to Wellington region residents. However, if you wave a pile of cash in the face of your average bike shop owner, they’re usually open to a little haggling around the recommended retail price.


  5. Lou Gallagher

    I missed the folding bike discount voucher. Got the bike lights voucher though: awesome, thanx!
    Where would you recommend I go to haggle for a new folder?


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